The energy industry has been, and continues to be, a leading contributor in the county's economy.
Oil & Gas
The first gas well in Alberta was established in 1883 in Alderson (formally a locality within what is now Cypress County) when Canadian Pacific Railway accidentally found gas while they were searching for water. Since then Cypress County has been home to multiple natural gas producers. In 2019, 3.8 billion m³ of natural gas was produced in Cypress County, the 6th highest in the province.
Renewable Energy
As Alberta expands the renewable energy projects, the Southeast Alberta Energy Diversification Strategy has updated the Economic Impact Report within our region. This is a listing of projects specific to our area, and the impact that renewable energy is having in southeast Alberta. Full information on this initiative can be found at
Training opportunities from SEEDS Alberta.
Solar Energy
Cypress County sits in the sunbelt of Canada, averaging 330 sunny days a year. For more information regarding solar energy in Cypress County please contact Verge Economic Development or the county.

Wind Energy
Alberta is currently the third largest market for wind energy in Canada. For more information regarding wind energy in Cypress County please contact Verge Economic Development or the county.