Bylaw enforcement
As an enhanced level of policing, an RCMP officer is provided and funded by Cypress County. The intent is to encourage compliance in all areas of public safety through a balanced approach of education, assistance and enforcement.
Responsible dog ownership
Cypress County promotes responsible dog ownership through educating the public and enforcing the Responsible Dog Ownership bylaw. All dogs in the county more than three months old need a valid dog licence. Licences are valid for the life of the dog and are free of charge.

You may also bring or mail a completed printed form to the county office in Dunmore. Dogs at large are considered at large when they are not under the restraint, care and control of their owner. Dog owners must keep control of their dog when off their property in both rural and urban areas.
To report a lost or found pet please call the county bylaw officer. The Medicine Hat SPCA provides pound services for lost or found dogs found at large in the county but only if coordinated with the officer.
The county has also partnered with the SPCA for their Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP), which assists those with financial difficulties ensure their pets are spayed or neutered.
Unsightly property
The Unsightly Property bylaw applies to properties that do not meet general condition and state of tidiness of the surrounding area. Factors that may be considered in determining if a property is unsightly are outlined in Schedule A and Schedule B of the bylaw.
Noise control
The Noise Control bylaw assists in promoting the health and welfare of people by minimizing or eliminating objectionable noise between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. The Noise Control bylaw only applies within the hamlets of Cypress County.
Please see below for a list of Cypress County bylaws.
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