
The agricultural services department receives direction from the Agricultural Service Board (ASB). This department is responsible for administering and developing programs to compliment the Agricultural Service Board Act, the Weed Control Act, the Agricultural Pests Act, the Soil Conservation Act, and the Animal Health Act.

They are also responsible for assisting local producers in completing Environmental Farm Plans, the application process for Canadian Agriculture Partnership programs, and promoting education and awareness of agricultural programs and services.


Avian Flu

Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation advised that cases of avian influenza were expected in 2023.

Please review this letter for more information.

If you suspect your flock may have avian influenza, contact either your flock veterinarian, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at 403-338-5225, or The Office of the Chief Provincial Veterinarian at 780-427-3448 or 1-800-524-0051.

Disposal of deadstock

 Disposing of dead stock can be quite challenging based on several factors including accessibility to disposal locations, number of animals and climatic conditions.

The disposal of dead animals in Alberta is regulated under the Animal Health Act - Disposal of Dead Animals

Regulation 132/2014. This regulation is applicable to the disposal of individual animals, diseased animals and disaster or emergency situations.

Acceptable Methods of Dead Stock Disposal

Dead stock can be disposed of pursuant to the government of Alberta and municipal regulations:

• Burial – bury animals per the Animal Health Act - Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation.

Composting – the biological breakdown of organic materials in an aerobic (presence of oxygen) environment

• Landfills – dead stock can be disposed of at landfills where allowed. Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation still apply.

• Incineration – the destruction of carcasses by burning.

• Scavenging – allow dead stock to be disposed of via scavengers (i.e. coyotes, birds, etc.).

• Rendering – a company that collects dead stock to render them into inedible products or dispose of them. This is a user pay service.

Visit, the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network

AAAF Memorial Bursary

The bursary is intended for students continuing their education at a College or University. Students must be enrolled in an agricultural or environmental science program. For more info and the application form visit the AAAF website.

Agricultural Service Board Bursary

  • Bursaries are available to students wishing to continue their education at a College or University. Students must be enrolled in an Agricultural related program.
  • Two $1,000 bursaries are available in each calendar year. Applications, with all supporting documentation, must be received by the Agricultural Supervisor by Sept. 30 of each year.
  • More information and the application form, can be found here.

Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP)

The Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP) offers funding that may cover up to 100% of eligible expenses to support producers in their ability to implement and maintain projects over a three-year term.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion federal/provincial/territorial investment in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that began in April 2018. In Alberta, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership represents a federal/provincial investment of $406 million in strategic programs and initiatives for the agricultural sector. For more information visit the SCAP website.
Environmental Farm Plans and Canadian Agricultural Partnership
If you are interested in doing an Environmental Farm Plan for you operation or would like to apply for Canadian Agricultural Partnership program, you can contact the Cypress County office and Lisa Sulz can assist you with the process.

Richardson's Ground Squirrel

Ground squirrels are a common pest. Managing them can be done in many ways.
Here is a document detailing the four primary methods of control.
Interested in having hawks nest in your area to provide some natural control? The Alberta Conservation Association has made a brochure on how to attract them.

Norway Rat

If you think that you have seen a rat all residents are encouraged to contact the county.

Since Cypress County borders Saskatchewan, we have a contract with the province stating that we will inspect all possible rat habitat within 6 miles of the Saskatchewan border. These inspections take place every spring and fall.

Information on Alberta's Rat Control Program can be found here, and information on identifying rats is also available here.








Bacterial Ring Rot

Dutch Elm Disease

Cypress County offers grain bag and twine recycling free of charge to producers based within the county.

Grain bag recycling

Grain Bags

  • Producers can contact the county regarding the program for more information.
  • Producers are required to clean of any big clumps of grain, dirt, ice etc., prior to rolling their grain bags. The county has a grain bag roller for producers to use.
  • Grain bags can then be transported by the producer to the Hilda transfer site to be held for recycling.
For more information please see the policy here, or call the agricultural team on (403) 526-2888.

Twine recycling

  • Pickup twine recycling bags at the county office in Dunmore, or at any of the transfer sites
  • Bag twine
  • Drop off at a transfer site

Chemical jug collection

  • Find a collection site near you (see map)
  • All jugs must be bagged and returned to ag retailers or the Schuler Transfer Site. The site on Range Road 63 is closed. Bags are available at ag retailers, the county office, and Schuler transfer site.
Cypress County has several pieces of rental equipment available to rate payers.

To check the availability of any of the equipment or to book the equipment for use please contact the County office.

15 Foot Land Roller (can be filled with water)
20 Foot Land Roller with Levelling Blade (can be filled with water)
Two x 14 foot Haybuster No-Till See Drills
Cattle Scale
Exit Applicator
Magpie Trap

RFID Tag Reader
Shelterbelt Mulch Applicator
Skunk and Raccoon Traps
Pasture Pipeline Plow
Tree planters
Grain bag roller
Bran bait applicator (for grasshopper control)

Roadside (from the edge of the road to the fence line) spraying is done to keep weeds in the ditch from spreading into the adjacent field. The weeds that are primarily targeted are those that are listed in the regulations of the Weed Control Act. We do not blanket spray the ditches, but rather spot spray individual plants or patches of weeds.

The county’s roadsides are sprayed on a rotational basis, with 1/3 of the county’s roads being sprayed each year. Any newly constructed roads are sprayed, as needed, for at least 3 years, or until the grass is sufficiently established to out compete most weeds.

Here is the area of spraying for 2024:

Herbicides that are used include, Milestone, Clearview, 2,4-D, Garlon XRT, Tordon 22K, Navius, Esplanade, Round-Up, and Detail.

Cypress County does not allow organic producers to use any part of the municipal right-of-way for a buffer zone. Organic producers are encouraged to contact the county to alert the Ag Services department of their organic status. Staff will do their best to ensure that they are careful in those areas, but the county reserves the right to control weeds in the right-of-way as needed.

All herbicides and procedures comply with Federally approved labels and the Environmental Code of Practice.

Weed inspectors will be out monitoring provincially regulated weeds throughout the growing season.

Rural residents

If you have land that is certified organic or is in the process of becoming certified, you must inform the Agricultural Fieldman in writing every year.

If you do not want the County to control the weeds in the ditch adjacent to your property you must assume the responsibility of controlling the weeds and visibly post “Do Not Spray“ signs far enough in advance to allow spray operators to react.

If weed control is unsatisfactory the County will control the weeds using any appropriate method.

Please be aware that the County does not allow anyone to use any part of the road allowance as part of a pesticide free buffer zone.


If you have any questions, or need to inform the Agricultural Fieldman of your organic status please contact: Lisa Sulz, Agricultural Supervisor 403-526-2888

The county has both a bylaw and a policy regarding soil erosion:

Municipalities in Southern Alberta partnered with Farming Smarter to produce a series of articles on soil conservation. The articles can also be found on the Farming Smarter website.

  1. Yes, blowing soil breaks a law
  2. Economics of agricultural blow-dirt
  3. Dollars blowing in the wind
  4. Don’t blow good neighbour relations
  5. Tillageis problematic on the prairies