Municipal Election 2025

A municipal election is scheduled for Oct. 20, 2025.

The nomination period runs from Jan. 1 to Sept. 22, 2025.

See information below for both candidates and voters.

All Albertans need to register in order to vote. You may do so at the poll station on election day, or in advance via VoterLink.

Not sure if you're registered? Check at VoterLink.

Voting stations
All voting stations will be open from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. on election day Oct. 20, 2025.

Ward 1 (Hilda/Schuler)TBA
Ward 2 (Irvine/Walsh)
Ward 3 (Elkwater)TBA
Ward 4 (Longfellow) & Ward 5 (Dunmore/Veinerville)Cypress County office – 816 2nd Ave, Dunmore
Ward 6 (Black & White/Seven Persons)
Ward 7 (Seven Persons North/Desert Blume)
Ward 8 (Redcliff/Hwy 523 North)TBA
Ward 9 (Suffield)TBA
If there is no election in your ward you can attend any voting station on Election day to vote for the provincial Senate, however if your permanent residence is in Medicine Hat, Redcliff or elsewhere you must vote there.
Please note: You can only vote in one jurisdiction in the election, for example; if you own land or a cabin in Cypress County but live in Medicine Hat, then you can only vote in Medicine Hat. (LAEA Section 48)

Please bring identification with you to the voting station, ID requirements are detailed in the Voter Identification Requirements.
Advance vote 
The Advance vote will be held on (TBA) at the Cypress County Office in Dunmore. All eligible voters in Cypress County are able to complete the Senate ballot at the advance vote.

January 1 to Sept. 22, 2025Campaign and nomination period
Monday, Sept. 22, 2025
Nomination day (deadline at noon)
Last day to request a mail-in ballot
TBAAdvance vote (at Cypress County office in Dunmore)
Monday, Oct. 20, 2025Election day
Friday, Oct. 24, 2025Official results announced
TBAOrganizational meeting 
Notice of election
Will be posted here prior to Sept. 24, 2025.

Nomination period begins Jan. 1, 2025. Candidates must register their intent to run for council prior to accepting campaign contributions by submitting Notice of Intent - Form 29.

Ward 1

Ward 2
Ward 3

Ward 4

Ward 5

Ward 6

Ward 7

Ward 8

Ward 9

A candidate must be eligible to vote in the election. Candidates must:

  • Be at least 18 years old,
  • Be a Canadian citizen,
  • Resident of the ward you are running in for the 6 months preceding nomination day (Sept. 22, 2025, meaning you need to reside in the ward between March 22 and Sept. 22)
It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure they meet all the qualifications of candidacy and are eligible to run in the election as per the Local Authorities Election Act.

Nomination requirements

Candidates who seek nomination for office are required to complete the following:

Nominations must be signed by a minimum of five electors (original handwritten signatures are required). These electors must be eligible to vote in the election, and be a resident of the ward for which the candidate is being nominated on the date of signing the nomination AND on election day.

Nomination papers are to be filed at the county office during the nomination period from January 1, until noon, September 22, 2025.

All candidates are required to officially register with the municipality before they accept any campaign contributions prior to nomination day.

NOTE: All nominated candidates are required to submit Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement - Form 26 by March 1, 2026.

The Candidate Nomination Checklist can be a helpful reference.

Submitting nomination papers

There are three options for filing your nomination papers and deposit:

  • In-person by appointment
    • To file your nomination in-person, please contact the Cypress County office at (403) 526-2888 or to make an appointment with the Returning Officer. 

Candidate withdrawals

A candidate may withdraw their nomination at any time during the nomination period from January 1, until noon September 22, 2025, and up to 24 hours after the close of nominations. If, after one or more candidates have withdrawn, the number of remaining candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies available, the Returning Officer shall refuse to accept any further withdrawals.

If, at the close of nominations, the number of nominations received equals the number required to be elected, the Returning Officer shall not accept withdrawals.

A candidate withdrawing their nomination are required to provide their withdrawal in writing to the Returning Officer, including the person’s name and office for which they were nominated, and be dated and signed by the candidate.

The person’s withdrawal is effective on the date the written notice is received by the Returning Officer.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for the convenience of reference only. Candidates are subject to requirements as per the Local Authorities Election Act. Candidates are advised to refer to the Act for full information regarding their obligations.